Monday, February 29, 2016
Random Stuff
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Snow Day Fun Day (That Doesn't Even Rhyme)
Today was a snow day in Michigan. Whoo-Hoo! My dad, sister and I spent the day relaxing. We went the the grocery store and library to take back books and movies/get Ava's baking supplies. We watched Brian Arnold's Team: Party Time take the lead against Drew Dreschel's "Real Life Beasts".
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Party Time: 6th team to advance to finals |
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Expendabulls: 3rd to advance to finals |
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Lab Rats (in purple):5th team to advance to finals |
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Stratis Faction:Wild Card to finals |
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TNT:1st team to advance to finals Storm Team: Wild Card to finals |
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Midoryama:2nd to advance to finals |
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Ronin:4th to advance to finals |
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Birbery Book Clubs
Today and yesterday I went to the Birbery Book Clubs (which you need to attend at least 2 to participate in the quiz bowl [that and read all 10 books]) 6 different books have been mentioned in the first two book clubs. They are:
I like listing things. Anyways, here are a couple of pictures.
- The War That Saved my Life
- Echo
- Stella by Starlight
- The Boys Who Challenged Hitler: Knud Pederson and the Churchill Club
- Circus Mirandus
- Mark of the Thief
- Magical Tales (Circus Mirandus, Echo, Mark of the Thief)
- Historical Fiction (Boys Who Challenged Hitler, Stella by Starlight, Echo, The War That Saved my Life)
I like listing things. Anyways, here are a couple of pictures.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
The War That Saved my LIfe Book Review
I'm almost finished with a book called "The War That Saved my Life" by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. It's about a girl named Ada who has something called a clubfoot, which is where someone who has one's foot is twisted. This book is about Ada's life during WWII. Her mother, Mam, is ashamed by her foot and locked her up in her room for most of her life, but she runs away with her little brother Jamie to the country (They live in London) and meet Susan Smith, the woman who is forced to take the 2 in because nobody wanted to take them in. They quickly bond with Susan and Ada learns so many different things along the way.
Monday, February 22, 2016
Hamilton Jr.
If you saw all of the Grammys on TV or live, you know about the musical Hamilton. It's about Alexander Hamilton, the forgotten founding father. As you may not know, it has tons and tons of swearing. I thought that maybe I could edit the play so it was a Middle School/High School/College appropriate version (with the director Lin-Manuel Miranda's permission). After a few weeks, my dad shut my dream down AGAIN. The first time was when I wanted to be a football player when I grew up. At the time, I was very little, so he can't judge. I hope I can get his permission because I believe that Hamilton is the best musical in the world and can be even better. I also hope I can be in a Broadway production of Hamilton when I grow up.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Friday Fright-Day
On Thursday Night my Dad was trying to open a can of tuna for his dinner. He couldn't get the can all the way open so he tried using his hands. Bad move, dad. Then my sister distracted him so he was looking away and he returned to the tuna. He accidentally cut his finger on the sharp edge of the tuna. Of course I wasn't in the room where it happened (Hamilton: the Musical pun), but my dad was there. He was the victim so he told me what happened when he got back from the Urgent Care. The Tuna Can cut deep into his ring finger WITH his wedding ring on it My dad told me that they would have cut his ring off or he could take it off before the stitches.

This man took away a normal Thursday night for the Roessler family
Friday, February 12, 2016
Yesterday in band class we got one of my all time favorite band pieces: (pause for effect) The Pink Panther! It's the theme to the show The Pink Panther (so hard to guess, right?). Some other good things happened today. I finished Masterminds by Gordon Korman and aced the test on moodle. I finished all the valentines I need to bring for the Valentine's Day party. It's going to be really fun!
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Shark Tank Invention
In engage, we're making an original invention that fulfills a need or solves a problem. My group is making a safe punching bag. This solves a problem because people can use a punching bag at home without boxing gloves without fear of getting hurt in the process. We're using Play-doh inside our bags instead. We'll use vinyl instead of leather for the bag so it won't hurt at all. The bag will include 2 zippers. One at the top and one at the bottom. When the Play-Doh dries, the bottom zipper dumps out the old Play-Doh and the top zipper puts in the new Play-Doh. You'll have to zip the bottom one up before you put the new Play-Doh in.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Fabulous Fooseball
Yesterday at a shabbat meeting at my friends the Parker's house, I played a game of Fooseball (ish) with and against a friend. It was like Hockey Fooseball, except the rods controlled one player at a time and they could move back and forth. My team was losing 3 of some of my other friends. But, we pulled a huge comeback. I would pass and my teammate would shoot it into the other team's goal. At one time, no one could score a goal.
Hamilton History
A few days ago, I got hooked on the new musical Hamilton. It’s about the life of Alexander Hamilton. There’s a lot of swearing, but the music is really good. The music is almost entirely rapping. Here is a link to one of the funniest songs without swearing, Farmer Refuted. It’s where a man named Samuel Seabury talks about how the war is a bad idea and Hamilton and his friends are disagreeing. Then there’s another one, You'll be Back. In it, King George III is saying that he’ll win the revolution in a hilarious way. Some of the lyrics are: “I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love.”
Thursday, February 4, 2016
1st Band Concert
Last night I performed in my 1st ever band concert. I was in orchestra last year so I never got to be in a band concert. I played violin for two years. In those 2 years, I did the exact same thing. I switched schools after one year of orchestra at Brookside, the elementary school of Cranbrook. My teacher in 4th grade was Mrs. Lorts. Ms. Gillespie was my orchestra teacher last year and we did exactly what I did in fourth grade! I figured that it was time for a change. Mr. Krum is AWESOME!! The band concert last night was amazing! After we played, the 7th and 8th graders did their pieces and then the 7/8 played Clocks by Coldplay. It was the best concert I've ever been in!
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
I sometimes go on a website called POTTERMORE (OOO, exciting). It’s where you find things in scenes from the HARRY POTTER books like the Deathly Hallows. I went on pottermore today and saw that the whole thing had been changed!! I tried to log in but my password wasn’t right. I tried sending a forgotten password email to myself but the email never came. It’s a mystery to me. Then again, sometimes it just doesn’t work. In Pottermore, you get sorted into a house at Hogwarts (I’m a Slytherin), take a potions class, and even duel in the dueling club. I’ve made it to the Half-Blood Prince in the look and find.
The Adventures of Frosty Book 2: Tumble in the Tundra FULL BOOK
Frosty the Ice Cream Man, Pop the Popsicle, and Cakeman the Cakeaceratops were on the Root Beer Float Speedboat heading to the SNOW CONE TUNDRA for their next ADVENTURE FOR THE PERFECT PET. They were hoping to find a Snow Cone Saber-tooth. They're really territorial and really dangerous for people that get in their way. In the Tundra there is a Freezer Frog. It's the boss of every single Snow Cone Saber-tooth combined. Will the Terrific Trio get out of this alive or will they be Frozen Forever? Read further to find out.
Chapter 1: Landing
Are we there yet, Dad?" Cakeman asked Frosty (he calls him dad because of the events of the first book). They were on the Root Beer Float Speedboat on their way to the Snow Cone Tundra to find a snow cone saber-tooth for a pet. You guessed it, Pop was all but for the idea. He had never wanted to go to Hot Fudge Island either. Cakeman had asked Frosty this question an Octillion times already (that's about 8 times bigger than a million). Frosty replied with his Octillionth and 1st answer, "Please, Cakeman, just call me Frosty. We're not there yeeettttt---!We're there! I can't believe it! Pop, what do you think?"
"I think we're going to die" said Pop.
"Geez, Pop, you don't have to be so pessimistic. I'm a glass half full person, so I think we'll make it!" Frosty replied. They landed the speedboat on the shores of the tundra (Crazy right?) and started their trek.
It took hours and hours and hours but they finally made it to what they thought was an unguarded Snow Cone Saber-tooth den. So, they went inside to find the egg. But Cakeman saw something white out of the corner of his eye. "Frosty? I think I saw an Ice Cream Cake Polar Bear." Cakeman told Frosty. Next second they knew, an Ice Cream Cake Polar Bear (probably the mother) was pouncing on them. She missed (luckily) and gave the Trio enough time to run out of the cave. "FROSTY!!" both Cakeman and Pop shouted. He ran so fast, he tripped on his own foot. The Ice Cream Cake Polar Bear was rearing up for another shot at Frosty.
Chapter 2: Miracles Happen
Frosty recovered just in time. The ice cream cake polar bear was inches away. Frosty ran as fast as he possibly can. Then he was suddenly dragged under the snow. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Help! Pop! Cakeman!"
"Frosty, we're out of the cave". Pop said
"Where are we?"
"Oh. We're in our new camp. If we're ever in trouble, we just come here. But geez, no need to swear." They were in a tent with a picture of an Ice Cream Cone on it. Outside there was a lit campfire with chocolate rods as the timber (everything is desserts in Dessertia)
"Sorry. I was just irritated that you couldn't hear me."
"Apology accepted. There was actually snow in my ears."
"By the way, thanks for saving me from the cake polar bear (short for ice cream cake polar bear). It almost got me."
"No problem. We should take a rest. Who knows what will happen tomorrow".
Chapter 3: Saber-Tooth Search
The next day, the Terrific Trio sent out from the camp to find this Snow Cone Saber-tooth. They walk in the snow for hours and hours until Cakeman said, "I think I saw paw tracks at the camp."
"Oh darn it. Cakeman, you're saying that we made camp in a Snow Cone Saber-tooth's lair?"
"Oh come on!!!!!!" Frosty exclaimed. "Good thing this tundra's round. We've already gone 3/4 of the way around." So, they walked for an hour. When they got back, there were claw marks EVERYWHERE. They walked into the camp and immediately got pounced on.
Chapter 4: Friends Come With Thorns
"Ah! Don't kill us!" Pop screamed at the top of his lungs. Cakeman and Pop started running as fast as they could. But Frosty just stayed there. "Frosty, you're gonna die!" said Pop
"No! I'm fine! He just pounced on me because there was a thorn in his paw!" Frosty explained. Frosty tried and tried but just couldn't get the thorn out. Pop joined in and STILL they couldn't get it out. Then Cakeman joined in (Cakeasaurs have legendary strength) and FINALLY they got the thorn out of his paw. "Can you talk? What happened to you?" Frosty asked.
"I can talk. It was Mystery Meat."
"MYSTERY MEAT?!?!?!?!?!?!" Frosty and Pop said at the same time.
"Who's Mystery Meat, Frosty?" Cakeman asked.
"Remember that bedtime story I once told you, "The Legend of Mystery Meat?"
"Well, this is the Bad Guy from that legend."
"But I thought it was just a legend" Cakeman said,
"So did everyone else here, buddy. It was also said in a legend that nobody went near a Snow Cone Saber-tooth because they breathe fire. Look at Snowy over here. HEY! Can we call you Snowy?"
"Sure. And if you want me to come with you, I will." Snowy said.
"Hey, guys. Sun's getting pretty low. We should get to sleep." Pop told the rest of the Quartet. What Pop DIDN'T mention that he saw a shape like a Frog and a piece of Steak as he calmly went to bed. ALMOST.
Chapter 5: Frogger
Right when the four were about to go to sleep, there was a huge RIBBIT. Everything froze for a second (literally). Then, Snowy had breathed fire and freed himself. He freed everyone else. Then, without a moment's notice, he started attacking the other people. "Ahhh! Frosty! Help!" Cakeman and Pop screamed. But Frosty was deeply asleep. Ice Cream Men are known for their unwakableness. Cakeman and Pop tried to shake him awake, but it was no good. Finally, after about an hour, Frosty woke up and wished he had brought his magic broom. BUT, he had his magic hat (Ice Cream Men are also snowmen). He threw the hat over Snowy and he became calm.
"Now we still have 1 problem," Frosty said,
"The Freezer Frog."
"Oh yeah," Pop said
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Cakeman and Pop said at the same time. It ribbited again.
Chapter 6: Meat Party Time
As the Freezer Frog let out a huge RIBBIT, a sudden wave fell over Snowy. He felt like he was being controlled by 2 things at one time. He was. Both the Freezer Frog and Mystery Meat were trying to control Snowy since he was the biggest of the group. But don't ever judge a book by it's cover. Snowy was actually the 2nd most nervous at this moment since Pop never stops being scared. All of a sudden, a hat came flying out of nowhere and it hit the Freezer Frog's head. He was now being controlled by Frosty the Ice Cream Man. In one gulp, the frog had swallowed Mystery Meat and all was well for the quartet. As they got on their Root Beer Float Speedboat, Frosty sensed a living presence in the Freezer Frog's stomach. But it didn't bother him as he went to the Eclair Savanna to find a Patti shoe Dragon.
Frosty should've been concerned about the presence in the Freezer Frog's stomach, for Mystery Meat was still alive and well. He transported himself to his base. Mystery Meat said, "He has almost everything the ancient prophecy tells of. I must go to the Eclair Savanna and make sure he doesn't get a Patti Shoe Dragon."
Frosty the Ice Cream Man, Pop the Popsicle, and Cakeman the Cakeaceratops were on the Root Beer Float Speedboat heading to the SNOW CONE TUNDRA for their next ADVENTURE FOR THE PERFECT PET. They were hoping to find a Snow Cone Saber-tooth. They're really territorial and really dangerous for people that get in their way. In the Tundra there is a Freezer Frog. It's the boss of every single Snow Cone Saber-tooth combined. Will the Terrific Trio get out of this alive or will they be Frozen Forever? Read further to find out.
Chapter 1: Landing
Are we there yet, Dad?" Cakeman asked Frosty (he calls him dad because of the events of the first book). They were on the Root Beer Float Speedboat on their way to the Snow Cone Tundra to find a snow cone saber-tooth for a pet. You guessed it, Pop was all but for the idea. He had never wanted to go to Hot Fudge Island either. Cakeman had asked Frosty this question an Octillion times already (that's about 8 times bigger than a million). Frosty replied with his Octillionth and 1st answer, "Please, Cakeman, just call me Frosty. We're not there yeeettttt---!We're there! I can't believe it! Pop, what do you think?"
"I think we're going to die" said Pop.
"Geez, Pop, you don't have to be so pessimistic. I'm a glass half full person, so I think we'll make it!" Frosty replied. They landed the speedboat on the shores of the tundra (Crazy right?) and started their trek.
It took hours and hours and hours but they finally made it to what they thought was an unguarded Snow Cone Saber-tooth den. So, they went inside to find the egg. But Cakeman saw something white out of the corner of his eye. "Frosty? I think I saw an Ice Cream Cake Polar Bear." Cakeman told Frosty. Next second they knew, an Ice Cream Cake Polar Bear (probably the mother) was pouncing on them. She missed (luckily) and gave the Trio enough time to run out of the cave. "FROSTY!!" both Cakeman and Pop shouted. He ran so fast, he tripped on his own foot. The Ice Cream Cake Polar Bear was rearing up for another shot at Frosty.
Chapter 2: Miracles Happen
Frosty recovered just in time. The ice cream cake polar bear was inches away. Frosty ran as fast as he possibly can. Then he was suddenly dragged under the snow. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Help! Pop! Cakeman!"
"Frosty, we're out of the cave". Pop said
"Where are we?"
"Oh. We're in our new camp. If we're ever in trouble, we just come here. But geez, no need to swear." They were in a tent with a picture of an Ice Cream Cone on it. Outside there was a lit campfire with chocolate rods as the timber (everything is desserts in Dessertia)
"Sorry. I was just irritated that you couldn't hear me."
"Apology accepted. There was actually snow in my ears."
"By the way, thanks for saving me from the cake polar bear (short for ice cream cake polar bear). It almost got me."
"No problem. We should take a rest. Who knows what will happen tomorrow".
Chapter 3: Saber-Tooth Search
The next day, the Terrific Trio sent out from the camp to find this Snow Cone Saber-tooth. They walk in the snow for hours and hours until Cakeman said, "I think I saw paw tracks at the camp."
"Oh darn it. Cakeman, you're saying that we made camp in a Snow Cone Saber-tooth's lair?"
"Oh come on!!!!!!" Frosty exclaimed. "Good thing this tundra's round. We've already gone 3/4 of the way around." So, they walked for an hour. When they got back, there were claw marks EVERYWHERE. They walked into the camp and immediately got pounced on.
Chapter 4: Friends Come With Thorns
"Ah! Don't kill us!" Pop screamed at the top of his lungs. Cakeman and Pop started running as fast as they could. But Frosty just stayed there. "Frosty, you're gonna die!" said Pop
"No! I'm fine! He just pounced on me because there was a thorn in his paw!" Frosty explained. Frosty tried and tried but just couldn't get the thorn out. Pop joined in and STILL they couldn't get it out. Then Cakeman joined in (Cakeasaurs have legendary strength) and FINALLY they got the thorn out of his paw. "Can you talk? What happened to you?" Frosty asked.
"I can talk. It was Mystery Meat."
"MYSTERY MEAT?!?!?!?!?!?!" Frosty and Pop said at the same time.
"Who's Mystery Meat, Frosty?" Cakeman asked.
"Remember that bedtime story I once told you, "The Legend of Mystery Meat?"
"Well, this is the Bad Guy from that legend."
"But I thought it was just a legend" Cakeman said,
"So did everyone else here, buddy. It was also said in a legend that nobody went near a Snow Cone Saber-tooth because they breathe fire. Look at Snowy over here. HEY! Can we call you Snowy?"
"Sure. And if you want me to come with you, I will." Snowy said.
"Hey, guys. Sun's getting pretty low. We should get to sleep." Pop told the rest of the Quartet. What Pop DIDN'T mention that he saw a shape like a Frog and a piece of Steak as he calmly went to bed. ALMOST.
Chapter 5: Frogger
Right when the four were about to go to sleep, there was a huge RIBBIT. Everything froze for a second (literally). Then, Snowy had breathed fire and freed himself. He freed everyone else. Then, without a moment's notice, he started attacking the other people. "Ahhh! Frosty! Help!" Cakeman and Pop screamed. But Frosty was deeply asleep. Ice Cream Men are known for their unwakableness. Cakeman and Pop tried to shake him awake, but it was no good. Finally, after about an hour, Frosty woke up and wished he had brought his magic broom. BUT, he had his magic hat (Ice Cream Men are also snowmen). He threw the hat over Snowy and he became calm.
"Now we still have 1 problem," Frosty said,
"The Freezer Frog."
"Oh yeah," Pop said
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Cakeman and Pop said at the same time. It ribbited again.
Chapter 6: Meat Party Time
As the Freezer Frog let out a huge RIBBIT, a sudden wave fell over Snowy. He felt like he was being controlled by 2 things at one time. He was. Both the Freezer Frog and Mystery Meat were trying to control Snowy since he was the biggest of the group. But don't ever judge a book by it's cover. Snowy was actually the 2nd most nervous at this moment since Pop never stops being scared. All of a sudden, a hat came flying out of nowhere and it hit the Freezer Frog's head. He was now being controlled by Frosty the Ice Cream Man. In one gulp, the frog had swallowed Mystery Meat and all was well for the quartet. As they got on their Root Beer Float Speedboat, Frosty sensed a living presence in the Freezer Frog's stomach. But it didn't bother him as he went to the Eclair Savanna to find a Patti shoe Dragon.
Frosty should've been concerned about the presence in the Freezer Frog's stomach, for Mystery Meat was still alive and well. He transported himself to his base. Mystery Meat said, "He has almost everything the ancient prophecy tells of. I must go to the Eclair Savanna and make sure he doesn't get a Patti Shoe Dragon."
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